I’m a full stack web developer with an interest in application programming. I have specialized in WordPress with a focus on its functional relation to small business. I’m seeking employment opportunities in a progressive and expansive company, where I can make use of my current skills and progress to application and software development, while working in a well organized, collaborative environment.
● PHP / Javascript (jQuery) / HTML (+schema) / (S)CSS (bootstrap 3+, flexbox, foundation, SASS/GULP/NPM,)
● Linux (Sys-admin)
● Git
● Responsive Email
Full stack developer, extensive experience with WordPress, esp. WooCommerce, Typo3, ModX, Magento, Joomla, Umbraco (Mac platform)
Positions Held:
● Liquid Light: Senior Back End Developer. September 2018 - present.
○ PHP object oriented development of large websites with MySQL relational databases.
○ SSH/Linux management of entire Debian server environments, MariaDB(MySQL) databases, including live database querying/restoration & searches.
○ Custom import/export PHP scripts to query/update databases whilst reformatting their records.
○ Typo3 back end development.
○ Linux sys-admin
● Imaginal Marketing: Web Developer. July 2017 - June 2018.
○ WordPress and ModX site development using SASS/Gulp & Flexbox.
○ Responsive themes and plugins using Zurb Framework.
○ Accelerated GIT usage, commissioned use of responsive emails.
● GetOnlineNOLA: Director of Technology (Strategic Partner). Oct 2014 - July 2017.
○ Created WordPress themes and plugins to solve multiple small business problems from ecommerce to meet the team.
○ Focussed on simplicity, flexibility and UX for busy clients.
○ Specialized in WooCommerce, its customization and add-on implementation.
○ Custom development of websites, integrating useable tools for sites with a ”wow” factor.
○ Mailchimp variable template development.
○ Engaged with clients and community communication.
○ Strategic input to develop the company from partnership to team of 5 and 244% increase in sales per annum.
● Peter Mayer Advertising: Developer/Programmer. Oct 2011 - Oct 2014
○ Touched on all aspects of this digital department.
○ From CenturyLink & rigid structured deployment requirements, to modernizing Whitney/Hancock Bank’s static, Dreamweaver based sites.
○ Measurable engagement with multiple js tracking platforms.
○ Responsive HTML email development & deployment.
● Berning Marketing: Web Developer Jan 2011 - Oct 2011
○ WordPress based site and child-theme front end development.
● McCartney Multimedia: Web Developer Jun 2009 - Jan 2011
○ HTML and PHP based development of multiple websites and CMS systems (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal).
○ Flash development of custom dynamic tools (AS3).
○ Video and music editing and production (ProTools, Final Cut Pro, Motion).
Music: Percussion, Electronic Production, Guitar, Kalimba, Keys;
Maker: Wood, Electronics, Bike Mechanics;
Sportsman: Rugby, Skiing, Flying, Sailing, Diving & all things water;
Born and raised in Sussex, I discovered my love of engineering at a young age, and often took things apart just to put them back together again. Later, I delved deeper into the subject as I pursued Design Technology among my A-levels. I graduated from Birmingham University with a degree in Geology. Soon after leaving school, I was selected for the cast of STOMP, and spent almost a decade drumming for the show in London, Paris, and Boston.
I began teaching myself programming during my years as a performer. When I left the stage in 2007, I began a successful second career as a freelance web developer after moving to Los Angeles, and continued my education with programming classes at UCLA. Blessed with our first child in 2011, we moved to New Orleans where I spent nearly a decade working for various agencies and helping my wife’s business to grow. I’ve returned to Sussex with a thirst for Europe and its culture and a sober, serious desire for a long term and satisfying career of challenge and self improvement. I am a happy husband and father of 2 wonderful children.